
Pext Helpers.

This file contains various functionality that is relevant to both Pext and modules and helps keep the API consistent.

class pext_helpers.Action(value)

Introduced in API version 0.1.0.

The list of actions a module can request.

A module can request any of these actions of the core by putting it in the queue. All of these actions need to be accompanied by a list of arguments. In these examples, we assume that you have assigned the queue variable to self.q, a common practice in Pext modules.


Introduced in API version 0.1.0.

Show an error message on the screen and unload the module. This function is also called when the module throws an exception.

message – error message to show

Example: self.q.put([Action.critical_error, “Something went wrong!”])


Introduced in API version 0.1.0.

Show a message on the screen.

message – message to show

Example: self.q.put([Action.add_message, “We did a thing”])


Introduced in API version 0.1.0.

Show an error message on the screen.

message – error message to show

Example: self.q.put([Action.add_error, “We did a thing, but it went wrong”])


Introduced in API version 0.1.0.

Add an entry to the entry list.

entry – the entry

Example: self.q.put([Action.add_entry, “Audio settings”])


Introduced in API version 0.1.0.

Prepend an entry to the entry list.

entry – the entry

Example: self.q.put([Action.prepend_entry, “Audio settings”])


Introduced in API version 0.1.0.

Remove an entry from the entry list.

entry – the entry

Example: self.q.put([Action.remove_entry, “Audio settings”])


Introduced in API version 0.1.0.

Replace the list of entries with the given list.

list – the new list of entries

Example: self.q.put([Action.replace_entry_list, [“Audio settings”, “Video settings”]])


Introduced in API version 0.1.0.

Add an entry to the command list.

entry – the entry

Example: self.q.put([Action.add_command, “download”])


Introduced in API version 0.1.0.

Prepend an entry to the command list.

entry – the entry

Example: self.q.put([Action.prepend_command, “download”])


Introduced in API version 0.1.0.

Remove a command from the entry list.

entry – the entry

Example: self.q.put([Action.remove_command, “download”])


Introduced in API version 0.1.0.

Replace the list of commands with the given list.

list – the new list of entries

Example: self.q.put([Action.replace_command_list, [“download”, “upload”]])


Introduced in API version 0.1.0.

Set or replace the text currently in the header bar.

If header is not given, the header will be removed.

header – the new header text

Example: self.q.put([Action.set_header, “Weather for New York”])


Introduced in API version 0.1.0.

Replace the text currently in the search bar.

filter – the new text to put in the search bar

Example: self.q.put([Action.set_header, “Weather for New York”])


Introduced in API version 0.9.0.

Ask a yes/no question.

question – the question to ask identifier – an optional identifier which gets passed back to process_response

Example: self.q.put([Action.ask_question, “Are you sure you want to continue?”, 0])


Introduced in API version 0.1.0. Deprecated in API version 0.9.0.

Ask a yes/no question, with the default value being yes.

question – the question to ask identifier – an optional identifier which gets passed back to process_response

Example: self.q.put([Action.ask_question_default_yes, “Are you sure you want to continue?”, 0])


Introduced in API version 0.1.0. Deprecated in API version 0.9.0.

Ask a yes/no question, with the default value being no.

question – the question to ask identifier – an optional identifier which gets passed back to process_response

Example: self.q.put([Action.ask_question_default_no, “Are you sure you want to continue?”, 0])


Introduced in API version 0.12.0

Asks the user to make a choice between several options

question – the question to ask choices – the choices the user can choose from identifier – an optional identifier which gets passed back to process_response

Example: self.q.put([Action.ask_choice, “Do you like cats or dogs?”, [“Cats”, “Dogs”], 0])


Introduced in API version 0.1.0. Changed in API version 0.2.0.

Ask the user to input a single line of text.

text – the text to show the user prefill – the text to already put into the input field identifier – an optional identifier which gets passed back to process_response

Example: self.q.put([Action.ask_input, “Please choose a new name for this entry”, “Example name”, 0])


Introduced in API version 0.1.0. Changed in API version 0.2.0.

Ask the user to input a single line of text into a password field.

text – the text to show the user prefill – the text to already put into the input field (hidden behind asterisks, of course) identifier – an optional identifier which gets passed back to process_response

Example: self.q.put([Action.ask_input_password, “Please enter your password”, “Current password”, 0])


Introduced in API version 0.1.0.

Ask the user to input one or more lines of text.

text – the text to show the user prefill – the text to already put into the input field identifier – an optional identifier which gets passed back to process_response

The prefill may contain newline characters.

Example: self.q.put([Action.ask_input_multi_line, “List your favourite animals”, “Cat and dog”, 0])


Introduced in API version 0.1.0.

Copy data to the clipboard.

text – the text to copy to the clipboard

Example: self.q.put([Action.copy_to_clipboard, “I like Pext”])


Introduced in API version 0.1.0.

Change the internal Pext selection for this module.

The internal Pext selection contains a list of all options and commands the user chose and typed since the last time the window was closed and looks something like this: [{type: SelectionType.entry, value: “Audio settings”}, {type: SelectionType.command, value: “volume 50”}].

To go a single level up, simply remove the last entry from this list. To reset to the main screen, use an empty list.

After set_selection is called, selection_made in ModuleBase will be called with the new values.

list – the selection list

Example: self.q.put([Action.set_selection, [{type: SelectionType.entry, value: “Audio settings”}])


Introduced in API version 0.1.0.

Close the window.

Call this when the user is done. For example, when the user made a selection.

Example: self.q.put([Action.close])


Introduced in API version 0.3.1.

Set additional info for a certain entry, either in plain text or HTML.

key – the entry to set it for value – the value to set it to

Example: self.q.put([Action.set_entry_info, “Audio settings”, “Change the audio settings”])


Introduced in API version 0.5.

Set all entry info at once by passing a dictionary.

Example: self.q.put([Action.replace_entry_info_dict,
{“Audio settings”: “Change the audio settings”,

“Video settings”: “Change the video settings”}])


Introduced in API version 0.3.1.

Set additional info for a certain command, either in plain text or HTML.

key – the command to set it for value – the value to set it to

Example: self.q.put([Action.set_command_info, “volume”, “Set the volume to the desired percentage (0 - 100)”)


Introduced in API version 0.5.

Set all command info at once by passing a dictionary.

Example: self.q.put([Action.replace_command_info_dict,
{“volume”: “Set the volume to the desired percentage (0 - 100)”,

“video”: “Turn video on or off”}])


Introduced in API version 0.6.

Set an info block to always show regardless of the active selection.

Example: self.q.put([Action.set_base_info, “Type stop to stop listening to radio”])


Introduced in API version 0.4.

Add a context menu to a certain entry.

key – the entry to set it for value – the list of context entries

Example: self.q.put([Action.set_entry_context,

“Audio settings”, [“Disable”, “Decrease volume”, “Increase volume”])


Introduced in API version 0.5.

Set all entry context menu entries at once by passing a dictionary.

Example: self.q.put([Action.replace_entry_context,
{“Audio settings”: [“Disable”],

“Video quality”: [“High”, “Low”]}


Introduced in API version 0.4.

Add a context menu to a certain command.

key – the command to set it for value – the value to set it to

Example: self.q.put([Action.set_command_context, “volume”, [“0%”, “20%”, “40%”, “60%”, “80%”, “100%”])


Introduced in API version 0.5.

Set all command context menu entries at once by passing a dictionary.

Example: self.q.put([Action.replace_command_context_dict,
{“volume”: [“0%”, “20%”, “40%”, “60%”, “80%”, “100%”],

“video”: [“on”, “off”]}])


Introduced in API version 0.6.0. Changed in API version 0.11.0.

Set the base context options, added after each entry-specific context options.

Example: self.q.put([Action.set_base_context, [“Mute”, “Stop”]])

class pext_helpers.SelectionType(value)

Introduced in API version 0.1.0.

A list of possible selection types.


Introduced in API version 0.1.0.

An entry in the entry list was chosen.


Introduced in API version 0.1.0.

A valid command was typed (valid commands start with an entry in the command list).


Introduced in API version 0.6.

The selection is not relevant to any entry or command.

Used for the base context options.