Please note that these instructions are for normal installation. If you instead want to help develop, look into compiling from source.
A Windows installer is available in the releases section on GitHub.
A macOS .dmg file is available in the releases section on GitHub.
Alternatively, you may install Pext through pip:
pip install pext
If you are unable to run Pext due to Gatekeeper settings, run the following command to allow running programs from any source:
sudo spctl --master-disable
You may also need to go to Security & Privacy settings and select “Allow apps downloaded from: Anywhere”
Arch Linux¶
Pext is available as pext and pext-git. These packages are maintained by Agesly Danzig.
Other distros¶
An AppImage is available in the releases section on GitHub. It can be ran in-place on pretty much any GNU/Linux distribution. Make sure to right click the AppImage and mark it as executable in properties. Then, just double click.
Alternatively, you may install Pext through pip:
pip3 install --user pext
On some systems, you may need to use pip instead of pip3.