
Pext Module Base.

This file contains the definition of the Pext module base, which all Pext modules must implement. This is basically the API of Pext.

class pext_base.ModuleBase

Introduced in API version 0.1.0.

The base all Pext modules must implement.

extra_info_request(selection: List[Selection]) None

Introduced in API version 0.3.0.

Called when the user selects a different entry.

The syntax of selection is the same as in selection_made.

If desired, this function could be used to update the current entry by putting a new set_info request in the queue.

init(settings: Dict, q: Queue) None

Introduced in API version 0.1.0.

Called when the module is first loaded.

In this function, the application should initialize all its data and use Action.replace_entry_list and Action.replace_command_list to populate the main list. Please avoid using Action.add_entry and Action.add_command, especially at initialization time, unless it would take unreasonably long for the module to load otherwise, as these methods are significantly slower if there are a lot of entries to add.

The settings variable is a dictionary containing all “module settings”. For example, if the user enters “foo=bar foobar=fubar” in the custom module settings dialog, this dictionary will have {“foo”: “bar”, “foobar”: “fubar”} as values.

The settings variable also contains special Pext settings, starting with a single underscore: - _api_version: The API version as [major, minor, patch] - _locale: The current Pext locale

The q variable contains the queue that actions can be put it. It is very important to keep a reference to this variable so that you can do anything on the UI at all.

process_response(response: Union[bool, str], identifier: Any)

Introduced in API version 0.1.0.

Process a response to a requested action.

Called when a response is given as a result of an Action being put into the queue. Not all Actions return a response.

When no specific identifier was given in a queue request, identifier is called with None. Otherwise, it is called with the identifier previously put in the queue.

selection_made(selection: List[Selection]) None

Introduced in API version 0.1.0.

Last changed in API version 0.8.0.

Called when the user makes a selection.

The selection variable contains a list of the selection tree and the type, which can be either entry or command.

For example, if the user chooses the entry “Audio settings” in the main screen, the value of selection is [{type: SelectionType.entry, value: “Audio settings”}]. If the user then runs the command “volume 50”, this function is called again, with the value of selection being [{type: SelectionType.entry, value: “Audio settings”},

{type: SelectionType.command, value: “volume”, args: [“50”]}].


Introduced in API version 0.1.0.

Called when the module gets unloaded.

If necessary, the module should clean itself up nicely.